One Lovely Blog - Award

I was so delighted when I checked my e-mails and blog today morning:
I´ve received a nice award from an interesting Mimi and Tilly blog. Thank you so much for your nice words and for this award! You know how a blogger feels when he starts and the readers are so scarce.

This award can be given to up to 15 blogs that I consider to be LOVELY. So I´m going to pass this award to some of my favorite blogs:
(Order is not important - they are all equal in loveliness for me.)
If you have not visited them yet I strongly recommend you to do so. They are really inspiring and beautiful - I love them all.
Dostala som ocenenie :D
Niekomu sa páči môj blog... Som veľmi potešená - už len preto, že môj blog vôbec niekto nájde, číta, prezerá a ešte sa mu tu aj páči. Ďakujem.
Tento prejav sympatií môžem prejaviť mojim obľúbeným blogom - najviac pätnástim. Takže blogy, ktorým posielam toto ocenenie som uviedla v zozname vyššie. Všetky sú veľmi inšpirujúce a milé, rada sa sa tam potulujem. Nakuknite...

2 komentáre:

Minna Hatara povedal(a)...

Thank you so much Zlatica!

Sascalia povedal(a)...

Thank you so much for nominating my blog and for your very sweet comments on my artwork. I look forward to popping in on your blog to check out your lovely pieces. xxx