Girl with a White Cat

I was longing to paint again for a week or so but I didn´t get a chance. Children and other family and housekeeping issues were holding me away from my paints.
But I finally find some time and ... I felt so HAPPY to paint again!

Although the little Illustrated Girl had to wait unfinished for two days - now she is perfectly done (at least for me:) ).

Dievčatko s bielou mačičkou.

Už dlhšiu dobu sa pokúšam nájsť si čas na maľovanie, ale akosi mi to nevychádzalo.

Nakoniec som si medzi hraním s malou, prechádzkami, varením, upratovaním, praním, nakupovaním, učením sa s deťmi a vozením na krúžky... :) našla nejaký ten čas a znovu som maľovala.

Cítila som sa pri tom tak dobre!!!


Here she is waiting at my desk:

In the progress...

Have a beautiful rest of the week.
Prajem krásny zbytok týdňa.

3 komentáre:

Lauren povedal(a)...

She is so lovely! :)

Nicola povedal(a)...

She is beautiful! So delicate and pretty!

Silke Powers povedal(a)...

Zlatica, she is so pretty! There is such a sweetness about her and her eyes ... just dreamy!! Wonderful!! Love, Silke