I was so happy when I´ve found out several days ago that I won a giveaway from The Little Fox!

Her work is very cute and beautiful - you know I love girl paintings - and The Little Fox is all about them.

Please have a peek at lovely art on The Little Fox´s blog.

This is what I have received today in my mailbox: a whole collection called Little Prisons.

(Copyright: The Little Fox)
Thank you so much, Despina!
Vyhrala som!
Nedávno som vyhrala túto sériu obrázkov od maliarky a autorky blogu The Little Fox .
Priznám sa, bola som veľmi potešená, keď som ju dnes našla v schránke. :)

1 komentár:

Mimi and Tilly povedal(a)...

Congratulations! I will go and take a peek at her blog now! x