Welcome to Circus

Dear blog friends, recently I came across
this amazing video.
It is so sweet, peaceful
and amusing
that I have to share it with you.
Enjoy the show!
Vitajte v circuse!

Milí internetoví priatelia, nedávno som objavila toto úžasné video.

Je tak milé, ukľudňujúce a zábavné, že s ním chcem potešiť aj Vás.
Prajem krásny víkend!

3 komentáre:

Kim povedal(a)...

That was just too sweet- what a fabulous way to start my day!!! Thank you :)

Silke Powers povedal(a)...

Isn't is just wonderful? We found it some years ago and sent it to all our friends who are circus fans... So sweet! I hope you are doing wonderfully, Zlatica!! Love, Silke

illustration poetry povedal(a)...

your little darling is adorable ^^