Our Earth is showing us that we have to change something... everything...
While thinking of Japan and sending my prayers to the poor Japanese people
I have finished the series of four watercolor paintings for sweet Ria and her little daughter.
I wish our world could be as positive as these paintings are.
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Spring |
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Summer |
Naša Zem nám neustále dáva najavo, že musíme niečo zmeniť.
Niečo?... Nie, všetko!...
Celý víkend som musela myslieť na Japonsko.
Posielala som moje motlitby trpiacim japonským ľuďom...
a medzitým som dokončila sériu štyroch akvarelových maľbičiek pre milú Riu a jej malú dcérku.
Kiež by náš svet mohol byť len taký pozitívny ako sú tieto obrázky.
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Autumn |
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Winter |
10 komentárov:
Ach ano, jen jestli už není na změny pozdě... Ale věřím, že každý může začít sám u sebe, v tom případě tvé krásné obrázky pomůžou už tím, že udělají velkou radost :-)
I have been thinking the same thing- we do too many things to our Earth and home that we are not meant to do. Why must we push all the boundaries- why can't we live with what has been provided for us by the Earth? My heart is sad too Zlatica- I wish the world was more like your beautiful paintings also. This might be my favorite grouping of work by you so far! Beautiful work ♥
Dear Lovely Lady, and i have been meaning to tell you since a long long time ago that (i dont know why) your posts arent updating in my blog list, it keeps saying:
"You have followed this URL, but we couldn't find a feed for it. Please check that the URL is correct."
i think i always have problem with Blogger (Blogger hates me so much i dont know why...)
maybe i should "re-follow" you with my other account?
okay i'll do that...
thank you for your sweet words (im not beautiful, ahaha, but thank you!) :D
i think im not as beautiful as you!
i have a friend in Japan too and im so worried :(
i pray for them.
(witches do pray too...)
Zlatica, your watercolours just make my heart melt. You are the Miss Potter of Slovakia.
Thank you so much for your kind words about my little paintings.
Patricia, you know how I adore Miss Potter. ;)
Mita, I hope everything is OK now. :)
Your paintings are so beautiful, I love all of them. I am sad about Japan too. Sending hugs, Em xx
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