Pasque Flower

Every spring our family makes a trip to our mountains to visit a place we privately call: The Pasque Flower Meadow. There grows a flower which exists only in Slovakia. It is very rare and therefore protected by law. It´s Latin name is Pulsatilla subslavica. Wikipedia says that there are around 30 species of the genus Pulsatilla in the world. Well, this Slovak pasque flower became a part of spring tradition in our family.
And it was a nice trip and also our youngest one did it (with our little help). :)

Každú jar sa naša rodinka podujme na turistiku do blízkych kubrických lesov, na miesto ktorému súkromne hovoríme Poniklecová lúka. Rastie tu krásny a zákonom chránený kvietok poniklec prostredný (Pulsatilla subslavica). Už sa nám stalo, že sme ho niektorý rok nezastihli kvitnúť, ale tento sa to podarilo. Návšteva tohto krásneho miesta sa stala jarnou tradíciou v našej rodine.

4 komentáre:

Silke Powers povedal(a)...

Such a gorgeous flower. I'd head to the mountains as well just so I could see it! Love that beetle in the last picture! I'm glad you had a great time! Love, Silke

Kim povedal(a)...

The picture of you all hiking together is so sweet- best picture ever! The flower is so beautiful- well worth a wonderful day hiking outdoors!

Ayala Art povedal(a)...

What a beautiful place! Thanks for sharing your pictures!

Mimi and Tilly povedal(a)...

That flower is so beautiful. I love small, dainty flowers hidden in the grass! Your day out looks really special. Em x