One important member of our household - our Bichon Frisé. His name is Willliam - we call him Vilko. Today he is 3 years old, but here is the picture of one of his first moments with us.
Takže naša rodinka je naozaj celkom veľká: tri deti a pes... Nedávno sme sa sťahovali z paneláku a úprimná suseda nám vtedy s neskrývanou radosťou šepla: "Konečne bude vo vchode trochu kľud."
So, our family is quite large: three children and a dog ... Recently we have moved from a block of flats and our loyal neighbor had whispered with undisguised joy: "Finally, this house will be a little quiet."
1 komentár:
He is a cutie for sure!
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