I do not paint blond-haired girls often, but now I decided to try it. I prefer dark colors for my girls and dolls hair, maybe it is because I´m brown haired too. But goldilocks look more delicate I think...
Lucka oddychuje na lúke po peknej prechádzke parkom a teší sa z krásy okolo nás.
Nemaľujem blondínky často, teraz som to ale skúsila. Skôr si vyberiem tmavé vlasy pre moje kreslené dievčatká či bábiky. Možno je to preto, že som sama tmavovlasá...
6 komentárov:
Hi, I found your blog after you connected to my profile on Twitter (Emmalovescats). Your art work is beautiful. I hope you're having a great day. :)
Hi, I just wanted to let you know, I'm passing the One Lovely Blog Award on to you, as I think your blog is lovely.
here is the link to view it:
Thank you so much. I´ve had a look at your blog. I love your idea of one year creativeness. So original!
Velmi pekné vidíš aj blnodíny Ti idú kresliť :)) Peknéje to veľmi, najviac sa mi aj tak ale páčia asi oci.
HI!! I just found your blog and I love your paintings! Beautiful!
Hi! Your illustration work has a very sweet character... So very lovely! (^_^)
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