I´ve been given a blog award from Mimi and Tilly - a great blogger who writes mainly about creativity. I like to read her thoughts so much. :)
*** Mimi and Tilly, thank you! It means so much for me! ***
Papillon Bleu UK - beautiful day-dreamming miniature artist with angel voice.
Heavenleigh Art by Julie-ann Bowden is a place I love to see and read - Julie-ann paints amazing angels and writes thoughtful posts.
Metamorphosis - Silke is a mixed media artist and a very friendly and honest blogger.
Artista Blog - great watercolor and mixed media illustrator - I adore her style!
Ramblings of the Bearded One - blog I have discovered just few days ago but I like very much the author´s authentic writing style and the themes he chooses.
This award originally comes from Let´s have a coctail blog - well, my favorite coctail is pinacolada.
Dostala som ocenenie (2):
Potešilo ma (:D) ocenenie, ktoré mi udelila autorka blogu Mimi and Tilly - píše hlavne o tvorivosti a jej nové myšlienky si vždy rada prečítam. Jej blog začala písať s tým, že skúsi žiť celý rok tvorivo a uvidí, ako sa jej život zmení....
"Pravidlá" tohoto ocenenia hovoria, že ho môžem posunúť na ďalšie blogy, ktoré sa páčia zasa mne. Vyššie, v anglickej časti sú vymenované blogy, ktoré rada prezerám...
A keďže toto ocenenie pochádza z blogu "Let´s have a coctail" - pre úplnosť uvádzam, že môj obľúbený koktail je pinacolada. ;)
4 komentáre:
Oh, your award is so well deserved!! And thank you so much for passing it on to me!! I feel very honored and will be sure to pass it on to others. I think I'll do an award post early next week - I have another one to give out as well. So exciting!!! Hugs, Silke
OOoohhh I love your art! It is all so wonderful! Your faces are most precious! Glad to have found you! ; )
Oh thank so much!! how kind of you Zlatica!!!!
It is funny, because I have just posted something after what you told me.
Oh! before I forget, I will put your link back, don't worry, I am just trying to sort out links of blogs by category...then I had lots of troubles with my blog lately.I even lost my banner. So, I don't want you to think I got rid of your link ok?
I am really happy to pass the award to you. Your blog is gorgeous. Thank you for your lovely comments about my blog. They are much appreciated. Hope you're having a great day. :)
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