y dear friends, today our sweetest baby-girl has got dressed herself alone! You have to see how she had astered it. :)
Milí priatelia, dnes sa naša malá Karolínka po prvý krát sama obliekla. Pozriete ako to krásne zvládla. :)
And somehow our little Karolina inspired me to paint something rosy and sweet. Something Valentine-ish. And while painting I had the certain feeling that I have to offer this little painting for free to my friends...
I´ve decided to give this illustrated Valentine girl away for free to both my present and future follower friends. Thank you all for your lovely support! I´m gaining some confidence as an amateur artist while having this blog. Before blogging I was not sure someone would appreciate my paintings...
Well, if you are a follower of this blog feel free to download this painting and use it for non-commercial purposes.
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I will be happy if you use it.
No a naša Karolínka ma inšpirovala k tomu, aby som namaľovala niečo milučké a ružovučké. Niečo Valentínske. A počas maľovania som mala silný pocit, že tento obrázok chcem ponúknuť mojim priateľom zdarma...
Rozhodla som sa poskytnúť túto malú Valentínsku dievčinku pre všetkých súčastných i budúcich následníkov tohto blogu. Ďakujem za Vašu milú podporu! Vďaka Vám získavam určité sebavedomie, pretože predtým som si nebola vôbec istá, či sa moje obrázky niekomu budú páčiť.
Takže, ak ste následník tohoto blogu, prosím, môžete si stiahnuť tento obrázok pre svoje vlastné použitie (nie na komerčné účely).
Budem veľmi šťastná, ak túto možnosť využijete.
5 komentárov:
Awwww how cute is your daughter!!! Lovely photo!!! And very cute painting!! Thank you for the free download. I love watching your progress with your art you have a very unique style!!! :0)
What a lovely post! And such a sweet girl..that is so nice to see how she dressed herself. : ) And thank you for stopping by so that I could see your very, very sweet work. What a generous thing to offer up a download. Thank you!
Your daughter is so adorable!
Thank you for the download- I love to fill my home with artwork and I will be printing it off to frame and hang in my home- I love it! You are very sweet!
That is an adorable photo, she already has her own style. And the painting is absolutely beautiful.
Your daughter is simply beautiful. She really had quite a look going on there:>) Your painting is so sweet & beautiful.
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