One of the hand-made works in our home that I really cherish is a Venetian carnival mask we have bought last summer during our family holiday in Italy.

There are so many sellers offering masks in Venezia but the quality differs a lot. We´ve planned to buy a mask - it´s for sure a must-to-buy souvenir from Venezia - but I did not like those cheap plaster ones in the stands all around us. Then we have found that amazing little shop in a very center of Venetia on a Rialto Bridge over Grand Canal!
The owners of this shop and the art studio creating gorgeous paper-mache masks are two brothers: Sergio and Massimo Boldrin. And the mask we had bought there was sold to us by one of those artist brothers. :) On their web there is a great video showing the process how they (personally) create a mask. I like that video a lot! Have a look, if you wish... here.
Fašiangy končia
La Bottega dei Mascareri v samom centre Benátiek na úpätí mosta Ponte di Rialto. Majiteľmi obchodíku a dielne na výrobu úžasných masiek sú bratia Sergio a Massimo Boldrin a jeden z nich nám tú našu aj predával. :) Na ich webe je okrem iného aj pekné video, na ktorom obaja pracujú na výrobe jednej masky. Ak máte záujem, pozrite si ho ... tu. Veľmi zaujímavé...

Karnevalová maska, ktorú sme si kúpili v Benátkach, je pre mňa jedným z najmilších ručne robených / umeleckých predmetov, ktoré sa nachádzajú v našej domácnosti. Po dlhom váhaní nad sádrovými odliatkami, ktoré miestni predavači ponúkajú na každom rohu, sme objavili jeden úžasný obchodík:
2 komentáre:
Oh, I love this mask! It's so different from most of the mask we saw when we were in Venice a couple of years ago. Next time we visit, I'll be sure to find the little store you recommend... :) Silke
Thanks for sharing a little of your world. The masks are great!
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