I could not resist - I have to share this amazing stop motion video with you. It is so special and dreamy. I found it at nectar & light blog where you can see so sweet inspirational photos by Jenifer Altman...
Happy Sunday to you!
Nemôžem odolať a musím sa s Vami podeliť o radosť, akú mi spravilo toto krátke úžasné a snivé video. Objavila som ho na blogu nectar & light, kde môžete nájsť veľa milých inšpiratívnych fotiek od Jenifer Altman.
Prajem Vám všetkým krásnu slnečnú nedeľu!
8 komentárov:
very beautiful- like a little dream♥ Thank you for sharing with us :)
Úžasné. Moja dcéra túži s ockom natočiť krátky film, myslím, že takýto by sa jej určite páčil, samozrejme s ňou v hlavnej úlohe :-). A Fine Frenzy milujem.
You are so sweet!! Thank you so much for visit me!!
Oh this is so beautiful. Thanks for sharing! I hope you are are doing well!! Love, Silke
This is exactly the sort of video I would love to be able to make!
Thank you for sharing Zlatica.
I´m happy you like it!♥
Extraordinary! Amazing! Thanks for sharing!
Really beautiful. I love it. How are you doing? Sending hugs, Emma.
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