We have spent some nice days in a hotel Horal to enjoy last snow (at least I hope it was the last snow this year) and pamper ourselves with some wellness attractions the hotel offers:). Kids were skiing a lot of course... and we had a great time!
I´d taken my acrylics with me since I do not practice skiing. This painting was done in the hotel apartment.
I wanted to achieve an antique look for this painting, but I´m not quite happy with the result. Moreover the ground is not good, I think. Nevertheless, I want to share it with you - for me not every day is a good day for painting...
(Well, when I´ve cropped the scanned picture the painting looks much better. :) )
Nie dobrý deň na maľovanie
Strávili sme pár prázdninových dní na hoteli Horal, kde sme si užívali posledný tohtoročný sneh a wellness atrakcie, ktoré tento hotel ponúka. Deti sa dosýta vylyžovali a všetci sme sa mali super.:)
Keďže nelyžujem, predvídavo som si zobrala so sebou moje akrylové farby a niečo aj vytvorila. Hoci nie som s výsledkom veľmi spokojná i tak som sa rozhodla ukázať ho svetu - nuž, nie každý deň je pre mňa dobrý na maľovanie...
(Ale zdá sa mi, že po orezaní naskenovaného obrázka je výsledok trochu lepší... :)
7 komentárov:
oh she is lovely we all get bad painting days but i like her....
I agree- we all have days when we don't like what we create- but hey...if we liked everything we did then life would just get too boring, right? I actually really love this painting--if you do not like the ground what about playing with it when you get home and maybe adding a little something? I hope your weekend is wonderful and I hope this is your last snow too ♥
Love it...Love it!!! great colors and I like the red bandana
You know what? at the moment I just don't like what I am doing this is why I am showing so little.
I think your painting is adorable,I love the warm colours you use.
But I understand the frustration when things don't turn out as we want them to be.
Big hugs to you.
Maybe you can't ski, but you certainly can paint! I love it.
My PA told me today, why don't you just snow board because it would be easy on your knees?
(I have a dance injury I have to be very careful about.)
Oh, I can see that ambulance trip!
Keby ste nenapísali, že nie ste spokojná s výsledkom ani by ma nenapadlo, že maľba nie je podarená. Teraz na ňu pozerám očami nespokojnej autorky a skúmam, čo sa nepodarilo, ale nič nenachádzam.
Nech sa ďalšia vydarí k vašej spokojnosti!
Thank you all for your wonderful support! I appreciate it a lot!
Stora, ďakujem za krásnu podporu.
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