I have some news:
- I´ve stopped breast-feeding my 21-month-old daughter - finally. ;) She is so brave - well, both of us are... No big crying! I have to stay with her in her bed for 20-30 minutes until she falls asleep, but she sleeps so much better at nights now.
- I´m trying to live healthier: doing regular exercises in a gym, cooking new healthier meals, drinking green tee, reading "healthy" books and magazines... (greetings to Kim!)
- I have a new shorter and colorful hair-cut!!! :) (I haven´t changed my hair for about a year - it was just growing!)
- And my last wooden doll is saying you that "Hope" is so important in our lives... ("Nadej" is Slovak word for hope.)

So I hope the Spring and the Sun are wainting behind the corner and will come to us very soon.
A som tu znova!
Dlhšiu dobu som sa tu neukázala... Akosi sme sa celá rodinka necítili dobre - boli sme trochu chorí. Ale hlavne mám pocit, že už sme všetci trochu unavení z tejto zimy.

Mám pár noviniek:
Konečne som prestala kojiť moju 21 mesačnú Karolínku. ;) Znáša to veľmi statočne - no, vlastne obidve. :) Žiadne veľké plače sa nekonajú! Akurát jej trošku dlhšie trvá, kým zaspí (20-30 minút), ale v noci spí veľmi dobre! Dnes sa vôbec nezobudila a to sa predtým budievala aj 3-4 krát.
Snažím sa žiť zdravšie: chodím pravidelne cvičiť (teda zatiaľ som bola asi 6 krát), varím zdravšie jedlá, pijem zelený čaj, čítam "zdravé" knihy a časopisy...
Mám nový kratší a farebnejší účes! (nebola som u kaderníčky asi rok)
A moja nová drevená bábika nám všetkým pripomína, že "Nádej" je v našich životoch veľmi dôležitá.

Tak i ja dúfam, že jar a slniečko už čakajú niekde za rohom a čoskoro nás navštívia...
7 komentárov:
Zdá sa, že bežíme po paralelných tratiach: na blog nepíšem, lebo nestíham, som zrelá odstaviť môjho Mareka, lebo sa v noci každú chvíľu budí, zdravšie varenie mám zatiaľ v štádiu predsavzatí, cvičenie v štádiu science fiction :-) a ku kaderníčke sa chystám hneď, keď sa nájde niekto, kto mi na hodinu postráži malého... Pri živote ma drží naozaj len nádej, že čoskoro príde jar. Vydržať!
I long for the same- enough snow and sickness- we need green and sun and good health! I have been battling a cold myself-some days the energy is just gone. I am glad to hear that you have been doing well on your healthy journey- hooray-keep up the good work!! I hope you continue to feel better Zlatica-- The doll for hope is very beautiful!!! I wish you a weekend full of sunshine and energy!!!
I'm with you on the health front. I'm tired of having this cold and no energy. I'm ready for spring, warmth, sun and being outside! You are inspiring me on my journey to be more healthy this spring. I need to start exercising!! Your daughter is gorgeous and your little doll so pretty. Do you sell your wooden dolls? Love, Silke
She is so pretty! I love your newest creation, as well. Very nice. The colors are so warm. My favorite shade of red.
Silke, I plan to offer the dolls on my Etsy but now my PayPal account is cancelled because of some hacker attacks - I have to make a new safer account first.
Tammy, this red is my favorite color as well.
Hi! I'm sorry to hear that you and your family have been unwell. This winter seems to have been a very long one doesn't it? I'm really looking forward to the Spring too. Hugs, Emma.
Totally hope you get better soon.
Breast feeding is so good and you both must be so close.
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