Yesterday I was on a little walk with our doggie on a very special place for me.
It is the embankment of the river Vah in our city. I haven´t been there for several years.
It is the embankment of the river Vah in our city. I haven´t been there for several years.
It used to be so beautiful place when I was a teenager! I used to go for regular walks there with our dog. And why is that place so special for me?
I was reading a lot of spiritual books at my younger age and I often took one with me and read it there under the trees. I can feel the good energy I felt in that past days…
And it was exactly this place where I first felt my deep faith in God.
The place has changed a lot! Many old trees were destroyed by strong winds we had last years, there was some garbage by the river and moreover I find homeless people living there in temporary tents. This is no more the same place as I remember but my feelings and memories still are the same. The only beautiful thing I find there were hawthorn trees blooming.
Včera som bola na prechádzke s naším bišonom Vilkom na hrádzi Váhu za mostami. Bývalo to pre mňa úžasné miesto. Ako mladá (16-18 ročná) som tam chodievala každý deň s naším vtedajším psíkom Bimbom. V tej dobe som veľmi veľa čítala, hlavne duchovných a ezoterických kníh. Vždy som si na vychádzku zobrala nejakú knižku a v tichu pod stromami čítala...
A práve tu som po prvý krát objavila moju skutočnú vieru v Najvyššieho.
Mám na to miesto krásne spomienky, ktoré neprekazí ani fakt, že dnes to tam už vôbec nevyzerá krásne. Veľa starých krásny stromov je zničených, na brehu je kopec odpadkov a bezdomovci tam majú postavené provizórne stany. Jediná krásna vec, ktorú som tam objavila boli kvitnúce kríky hlohu.
Mám na to miesto krásne spomienky, ktoré neprekazí ani fakt, že dnes to tam už vôbec nevyzerá krásne. Veľa starých krásny stromov je zničených, na brehu je kopec odpadkov a bezdomovci tam majú postavené provizórne stany. Jediná krásna vec, ktorú som tam objavila boli kvitnúce kríky hlohu.
2 komentáre:
Beautiful trees! Perhaps the energy and positive feelings from this special place will somehow help the people there without homes. I am so grateful to have a warm, happy home- wish I could give one to everyone without.
I can really understand your feeling of a special place changing. Last summer just before starting to write my blog, I visited the town where I went to university. It was the place where I experienced things that have stayed with me. I hadn't been there for a long time. It had changed so much. My memories and the reality hadn't stayed the same. I realised for the first time how much I had grown and changed since living there. It was good to go back, but it was good to have my memories. It was that trip that inspired me to start my journey into creativity. Your pictures are beautiful. As well as reading about your artwork here, I also really enjoy hearing about your life, thank you for sharing. (P.S. I enjoy reading books about spirituality too.) Emma xx
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