Spring Calling

Every Spring I feel the same strong desire

to escape from city,

to escape from civilization.

I feel the deep hunger for wilderness.

We live in a nice flat that I love;

it is spacious, quiet, sunny, in a perfect location...,

but still sometimes I feel we could live very different lives in a nice home somewhere

in a solitude of nature.

(Little straw-bale house in Zajezka.)
Volanie jari
Každú jar cítim rovnakú silnú túžbu utiecť z mesta, utiecť z civilizácie.
Cítim silný hlad po divokosti.
Bývame v peknom byte, v ktorom sme spokojní:
je veľký, tichý, svetlý, na výbornom mieste...
a predsa niekedy cítim, že by sme mohli žiť úplne inak niekde ďaleko
v tichosti prírody.
(Domček zo slamených balíkov na Zaježke.)

5 komentárov:

Kim povedal(a)...

what beautiful pictures! Maybe we should swap homes for a bit--I live in the solitude of nature but some days I long for the bustle of the city :) ♥♥

Mimi and Tilly povedal(a)...

What a beautiful home. I can relate to your feeling of needing solitude in nature. I get this too. Beautiful pictures. xxx

Kilkennycat povedal(a)...

Absolutely beautiful! The location and the house...I'd love to visit.

Heather povedal(a)...

oh my! now isnt that a sweet and enchanting little place!

Julie povedal(a)...

What gorgeous pictures!!! Can I come over!? : ) And, yeah for you for winning the Little Fox's give away! I have one of her prints too which I just adore. Hope you are having a relaxing, restful time! xx