Time is running so fast these days and I have so little time for my creative playing.
Now I´m working on some new wooden dolls... and here is a little one finished.
When sealing her with the semigloss finish I was thinking about the sign she is holding:
"krása" = a Slovak word for "beauty".
Is beauty in the eye of beholder?
Or is beauty an ideal form given to us from upper spiritual regions?
Is beauty something that bring us amusement and enjoyment?
Or can sublime beauty make us more beautiful inside?
Čo je krása?
Čas beží tak rýchlo... V poslednom čase mám veľmi málo príležitostí na moje tvorivé hranie.
Teraz sa snažím dokončiť pár ďalších drevených bábik - a tu je jedna z nich už hotová.
Keď som ju lakovala (polomatným lakom) premýšlala som nad nápisom, ktorý drží: krása.
Je krása v očiach toho, kto sa pozerá?
Alebo je to ideál daný z vyšších duchovných úrovní?
Je krása niečo, čo nás ma zabaviť či potešiť?
Alebo nás môže vznešená krása spraviť krajšími vo vnútri?
6 komentárov:
Hmmmm, interesting topic. I think beauty IS in the eyes of the beholder. It is because each and one of us is a distinct human being, defined by the specific selection of our parents, geography, socioeconomic status, cultural background, personal traumas, life experience, fashion, religious views and yes, the spirit. I think that there are is such an array of ingredients that make up what we like that at the end of the day, the beauty is a question of each and every person's distinct taste/eye.
Gorgeous work!! Thank you for your tips-- I am going to try it out and see if it helps me this week. I hope you are doing well with your healthy living still also :) I think that you are a beautiful person- you are so sweet and you create such beauty with your hands. Beauty has many forms, doesn't it?
She IS just beautiful. What a perfect name. Her green eyes are absolutely gorgeous. Your artwork is so lovely. Thank you for being such an inspiration! I am following your blog now and can't wait to see more of your work. Stop by my blog and say hello sometime. I love keeping in touch with creative people!
best wishes, juliette
I think beauty is how we perceive something. I also think if someone really puts something of themselves into their creative work, it makes what they have created more beautiful. I think creativity has a spiritual element to it. Your creative work is beautiful. Your wooden doll has such a beautiful face. So expressive.
I love the doll she is so pretty. People often spend so much time on the outward appearance but not enough time on the inward as well.
Bábika je rozkošná!
Pri téme krása ma napadol reklamný slogan z tašky nejakej odevnej firmy, ktorý mi utkvel v pamäti: Beauty is within. Krátke a výstižné.
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