This week I have finished two custom paintings.
These were my first "portraits" from photo.
The first one is this cute little girl with...
...her big green friend called Muf.
I had been hesitating if I should make him a part of the painting
since he is so different creature from those I ussually draw...
But now I think he is fun to look at.
The contrast of these two is quite interesting...
Don´t you think so?

The second painting was made for two little sisters:
Anicka and Terezka with their beloved kitten Masenka.
I was so happy to hear that they have recognised
themselves immediately on the painting.
Anicka and Terezka with their beloved kitten Masenka.
I was so happy to hear that they have recognised
themselves immediately on the painting.

Obrázky na prianie
Tento týždeň som maľovala dva "portréty" na prianie podľa fotografie.
Prvý je dievčatko s kamarátom Mufom, ktorého som spočiatku maľovať ani nechcela,
pretože na môj vkus je trochu divoký. Ale keďže je to modelkin najlepší priateľ - musel byť na obrázku tiež. :-)
Nakoniec celá kompozícia vyzerá celkom zaujímavo - práve kvôli tomu kontrastu...
Na druhom "dvojportréte" sú dve sestričky Anička a Terezka s ich milovanou mačičkou Mášenkou.
Bola som veľmi potešená, keď som sa dozvedela, že sa dievčatká na obrázku ihneď poznali.
4 komentáre:
GORGEOUS!!!!!! LOVE both the paintings very much
Oh- so wonderful- your customers must be thrilled! I love the Muf creature in the first one- it's fabulous that you added him :) I would love, love, love to have one of your business cards- can I email you my mailing address? Would you like to trade a little something?
PettiBear, thank you!
Kim, you are welcome! Just send me your address. I would love to send the card to you. The nice trade for me will be if you show me a picture of it hanging in you mini-house. :-)
I love both! The first one is great as you say, the contrast is very interesting. Your business cards are really nice too!
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