Coffee, my love

A few anonymous quotes about coffee I can agree with :)

Coffee is not a beverage… It’s a moment of pleasure.
I sleep just to wake up for coffee!
Coffee can’t cure everything, but it can cure the mornings!

Pár milých anonymných citátov o káve :)

Káva nie je nápoj... je to okamih potešenia.
Spím len preto, aby som sa mohla zobudiť a dať si kávu.
Káva nemôže opraviť všetko, ale môže napraviť ráno! 

(preložené amatérsky... mnou :))

3 komentáre:

Silke Powers povedal(a)...

I completely agree! I had a wonderful cup of coffee this afternoon and always makes me feel so good. Hope you are doing well!! Love, Silke

Kim povedal(a)...

I agree also- in fact, sipping my morning latte right now :) Have a wonderful day Zlatica ♥

illustration poetry povedal(a)...

and im on my second cup of coffee....