Head Sculpture Experiment

I am playing with plasticine to practice sculpturing a doll face. I want to present a doll in a doll exibition Doll Prague 2011. It is an exibition for proffesional and amateur doll makers as well.  I´ve decided to take part as na amateur. I´ve registered myself at short notice and now I have very limited time to finish my doll. I have her beautifully designed in my mind but now I need some time to finish her in a material world. :)

Hrám sa trošku s plastelínou - modelujem tvár bábiky. Prihlásila som sa na poslednú chvíľu na výstavu Doll Prague 2011. Prezentujú sa tam profesionálne umelkyne i amatéri. Rozhodla som sa, že to ako neprofesionál vyskúšam. Mám ale už len málo času na dokončenie mojej bábiky. V hlave ju už mám navrhnutú dokonalo, len to ešte chce trochu času preniesť moje predstavy do materiálneho sveta. :)

These are just experiments, the doll for an exibition will be different.
Toto je len moje skúšanie,
bábika na výstavu bude vyzerať trochu inak.

4 komentáre:

Ayala Art povedal(a)...

Both heads look nice! Good luck in the show!

GlorV1 povedal(a)...

They look great. I've got to try that some time in the future. Very nice and good luck in the show.

Kim povedal(a)...

wonderful work- I've tried sculpting a face and it is so much harder than it looks! Will the doll have a cloth body? Will we get a sneak peek of it before the exhibition? I'm excited to see more!

Unknown povedal(a)...

Thank you for your wishes.
Kim, the body and the whole doll will be from paper mache. I have prepared beautiful hair for her. I will take some shots before the exhibition and show them to you. :)