New large possibilities :)

We have a new really big machine at my husband´s home office. It´s a large format plotter. My husband is a civil engineer and this big thing prints out his building plans/ projects.

You know for sure, what was my first request to my man - to test it and print out some art!!! We used a gorgeous angel - free download from a very talented generous artist Julie-Ann for this test. And I was amazed! Of course, the angel is absolutely FANTASTIC, but also the quality of the reproduction in such a large scale is amazing. The print is cca 30cm x 84cm (20"x33,5") on a photo quatity paper.

Well, this "discovery" gives new possibilities to my imagination... :)
PS: Thank you, Julie-Ann. I´m planning to give your heavenly angel a honorable place in our home...


Nové veľké možnosti :)

V domácej kancelárii môjho manžela pribudol jeden naozaj veľký stroj. Je to veľkoformátový ploter, ktorý môj muž ako stavebný projektant používa na tlačenie jeho projektov.

Určite tušíte, čo bola moja prvá myšlienka a prosba na môjho chlapa - otestovať toto zariadenie a vytlačiť nejaké pekné umenie. Použili sme obraz úžasného anjela, ktorého ponúka na stiahnutie zdarma veľmi talentovaná a milá maliarka Julie-Ann. A ja som žasla! Samozrejme, obraz je PRENÁDHERNÝ, ale uchvátila ma aj kvalita reprodukcie v takom veľkom formáte. Obraz, či plagát :), má rozmery približne 30cm x 84cm a je vytlačený na fotopapieri. Chystám sa ho umiestniť na čestné miesto v našom príbytku.
Tento "objav" dáva nové možnosti mojej predstavivosti... :)

9 komentárov:

Aimee Cotton Bogush povedal(a)...

Fantastic! Enjoy the possibilities ;-)

linda cardina povedal(a)...

oh man! u are so lucky to have that! i can only imagine how much a machine like that would cost. i ask my hubs for one every yr for xmas and he just laughs..:((( have fun with it!

Kim povedal(a)...

oh my goodness, you lucky gal! The print from it is amazing even in a picture! I think you should do something special to try out on it in your own art- and then post for us to see of course :)

Papillon Bleu povedal(a)...

Zlatica!!!!how pleased I am to read your comment! of course I will add you to my list!
The next story is slowly building up in my head.

Your machine is extraordinary! I'd go mad with somthing like this in my house! I understand that your imagination is stimulated.

Silke Powers povedal(a)...

Oh, how wonderful! And Julie-Ann's print looks amazing!! Thanks for visiting!! Love your little girl in your previous post and the cute little painting! Thanks for the free download! Hugs, Silke

Anonymný povedal(a)...

This is awesome! Thank you for sharing and it is absolutely wonderful to see you enjoying the downloads.
Bless you so much!



Shirley povedal(a)...

Oh, I'm jealous!! I hope your hubby lets you use it to your hearts content. I can only imagine the beautiful prints you will make with it!

Mimi and Tilly povedal(a)...

Just to let you know I'm passing on a blog award to you. Pop by my latest blog post to pick it up! Hope you're having a great day. :)

Entrepreneur Chick povedal(a)...

I am SO delighted to meet you! I ADORE art!

I'm going to tell Polly about your blog and I will SO be reading you.

Thank you, thank you, for joining Entrepreneur Chick so I can enrich my life.
