Family Apple Tree

Today our son Matus had to do a Family Tree as his homework assignment. I was helping him and since he had used my watercolors I could not resist to use them also for my pleasure. :) I painted a little sewing girl...

Dnes mal náš Matúško na úlohu vyrobiť rodostrom našej rodiny. Pomáhala som mu a keďže používal moje akvarelové farby, neodolala som. Musela som si namaľovať niečo aj pre svoje potešenie: malé dievčatko - šijúce...

5 komentárov:

Janet Metzger, Artist povedal(a)...

Your son's apple tree is beautiful as is your cute little sewing girl ;-)

Kim povedal(a)...

The tree is soo adorable- what a great job your son did! Love the sewing girl too!

Unknown povedal(a)...

My son´s got a nice "A" for his homework. :)

Entrepreneur Chick povedal(a)...

You have "The Sunshine" award waiting for you @ my blog! Given for those bloggers who are "positive and creative"- that's SO you! :)

Julie povedal(a)...

I love family trees! I have always wanted to make one. And, your son's is so sweet! And your new little girl is so sweet of course!!! : )